Sydney Opera House – Photo Diary



There is a saying that goes like: You never been to Sydney if you did not see the Opera House.

It was my first trip overseas and I was very excited and curious about this monument that is also well – known as the iconic Aussie landmark. 

The Opera house is a journey to the divine, a moment of reflection and admiration. It’s in the list of the Top 25 World Wonders, and I’m pretty sure it is the most photographed building in Sydney.

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Land down under experience


During the winter in Macedonia, the country where i come from, it is normal to be snowing, the temperature is under zero, the weather is cold, so through the celebration of New Year and Christmas we are wearing warm clothes, gloves, hats etc. But i was happy to experience different type of New Year, where the Christmas tree were situated on the beach, where Santa Clause was wearing swimming suits and were you can swim and get a tan in the middle of January. Well Sydney holidays are upside down as the name that Australia have earned due to the differences from the rest of the world. So it’s called Land Down Under. Maybe this is not so unusual for somebody who live in country, where it is sunny and hot in winter, but for me was a whole new story.

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